"Big Number Reunion" by Dolores Hydock

"Big Number Reunion" by Dolores Hydock

The Apple Seed - Season 2, Episode 31 , Segment 1

S2 E31: Strangers into Friends - Stories by Dolores Hydock and Sam + Paul O'Sullivan Band

Episode: S2 E31: Strangers into Friends - Stories by Dolores Hydock and Sam + Paul O'Sullivan Band

  • Sep 15, 2022 6:00 am
  • 15:05 mins

Dolores Hydock joins us in the Apple Seed studio to share her experience at a high school reunion. Over 800 miles from her present day home, she finds herself in a room full of people she didn't know. But, in the end, she finds herself learning things about her old classmates that she wouldn't have known if she hadn't been put in that situation. She learns that we are all more alike than we realize. We all end up in the same place, no matter what our paths may have looked like on the way there.