Oil and Money
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 24 , Segment 1
Oil and Money, Why We Procrastinate, Leadership at Home
Episode: Oil and Money, Why We Procrastinate, Leadership at Home
- Jan 28, 2016 5:00 pm
- 19:48 mins
Lately filling up your car with gas hasn’t left your wallet feeling totally depleted. While U.S. oil prices have dropped to about $27 a barrel, a price not seen since 2003, not everyone is reveling in this plummet. Many experts are weary of the implications that such low oil is having on our economy. And with the stock market having its worst beginning in history, we may need to be more cautious of what this all means. Joining us today is Dr. Keith Vorkink, associate Dean at the Marriott School of Management here at Brigham Young University. Dr. Vorkink, is a professor of finance and is here to tell us how oil prices are affecting our economy and how the backlash in other countries may influence us.