How to Sleep
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 203 , Segment 2
Gendered Jobs, How to Sleep, Too Busy for Friends
Episode: Gendered Jobs, How to Sleep, Too Busy for Friends
- Aug 26, 2017 4:00 pm
- 48:40 mins
Dr. James Hamblin is a writer and senior editor at The Atlantic. He hosts the video series If Our Bodies Could Talk, for which he was a finalist in the Webby awards for Best Web Personality. After medical school at Indiana University, he did three years of residency before joining The Atlantic to develop a health section and write. In a society where we feel like we have a lack of things, one of the top things on most of our list is the coveted nighttime Zzzzzs. Sleep is one of those things that we seemingly can’t get enough of. Here to speak with us today is Dr. James Hamblin, the author of If Our Bodies Could Talk: A Guide to Operating and Maintaining a Human Body. talks about the importance of sleep.