Cassini's Space Mission (Originally aired Sep. 21, 2017)
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 709 , Segment
Rail Safety in America, Europe's Bad Jobs Are Better, York Christmas Whistle
Episode: Rail Safety in America, Europe's Bad Jobs Are Better, York Christmas Whistle
- Dec 22, 2017
- 12:19
Guest: Linda Spilker, PhD, Cassini Project Scientist, Jet Propulsion Lab, NASA After 20 years of watching its every move, Linda Spilker looked on as the project that lasted half her career carried out a carefully-orchestrated suicide mission. Linda Spilker is the head scientist on the Cassini project at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Cassini is the probe that sent back astounding pictures of Saturn and its moons until it completed its mission in spectacular fashion this last September.