Helping People with Dementia
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 583 , Segment 4
Social Media Fasting, Dangers of Sexualizing Children, How to Make People Like You Virtually, Helping People with Dementia, Navigating the Spectrum
Episode: Social Media Fasting, Dangers of Sexualizing Children, How to Make People Like You Virtually, Helping People with Dementia, Navigating the Spectrum
- Nov 4, 2020 2:12 pm
- 15:25 mins
Millions of Americans suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's, but there is much we still don't know. Taking care of someone with one of the two diseases can be difficult and frustrating, but licensed psychologist Tamara Greenberg shares healthy ways to support a loved one suffering with dementia or Alzheimer's and yourself at the same time.