S2 E38: Dealing with Pranksters - Stories by Geraldine Buckley and Sam Payne + The Soldier's Tale

S2 E38: Dealing with Pranksters - Stories by Geraldine Buckley and Sam Payne + The Soldier's Tale

The Apple Seed - Season 2, Episode 38

  • Nov 3, 2022 6:00 am
  • 52:50 mins
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At one time or another, we've had to deal with people that we don't get along with. Whether it be dealing with annoying people, putting up with siblings, or just trying to hold our tongue from saying something we might regret, we all know how it feels to be tested by others. Part of life is learning to love the people in our lives that test us or annoy us. In today's podcast episode of The Apple Seed, we bring stories to you all about people learning to get along with those that test them. It may not always be easy, but it is always worth it to love those around us. (2:04) "Damian's Limp" by Geraldine Buckley: We've probably been in a situation or another where we think of all sorts of pranks to pull on our siblings. When Geraldine Buckley's brother, Damian, pulls a big prank, it gets on her nerves. What would you do in her situation? Listen to this story to find out how Geraldine deals with her brother and his annoying pranks. (26:49) Radio Family Journal by Sam Payne: Sam shares ...