"Rich-Country" Diseases Hit the Developing World

"Rich-Country" Diseases Hit the Developing World

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 727 , Segment 6

NSA Surveillance, The Blue Blood Supermoon, Video Game Addiction

Episode: NSA Surveillance, The Blue Blood Supermoon, Video Game Addiction

  • Jan 17, 2018 4:11 am
  • 11:07 mins

Guest: Reshma Naik, DrPH, Senior Policy Analyst, Population Reference Bureau  Diabetes, stroke and heart disease are sometimes considered “rich country” diseases, a major problem mainly in countries like the US. Whereas, poorer countries struggle more with contagious disease like malaria or HIV/AIDs. And yet, global health researcher Reshma Naik says non-communicable diseases are actually a serious problem in poor and middle income countries.