Making A Modern Mongolia Through Heavy Metal Music
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1006 , Segment 5
Vacancies, Screen Time, Eugenics, Mongolian Music
Episode: Vacancies, Screen Time, Eugenics, Mongolian Music
- Feb 13, 2019 11:00 pm
- 16:11 mins
Guest: Kip Hutchins, Graduate Student, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison A band called The Hu has racked up more than 13 million views for their first two music videos on YouTube in the last few months. Not The Who –W-H-O. This The Hu -H-U –and they’re a Mongolian heavy metal group. The video shows a motorcycle gang in leathers and bandanas riding across spectacular landscapes while the band plays traditional Mongolian instruments and singing styles. It’s really something to see.