Prince's Minneapolis, Russian Rock, Imaginary Friends, Science of Friendship

Prince's Minneapolis, Russian Rock, Imaginary Friends, Science of Friendship

Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 365

  • Feb 19, 2020 7:00 am
  • 1:41:18 mins
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How Minneapolis Shaped Prince's Music Guest: Rashad Shabazz, Associate Professor, School of Social Transformation, Arizona State University Music historians talk a lot about Prince as a genius pioneer of pop music, but they talk less about the city that shaped his music. How much credit can we give the Minneapolis music scene for Prince's success? Smuggling Rock and Roll In and Out of the USSR Guest: Joanna Stingray, American singer-songwriter How an American musician snuck Russian rock and roll out from under the KGB and into the world during the Cold War. Imaginary Friends Guest: Eileen Kennedy-Moore, psychologist and expert on childhood friendship Children often make imaginary friends, but these imaginary friends might have a longer lasting impact than just in childhood. Why is Friendship Biologically Important? Guest: Lydia Denworth, contributing editor for Scientific American, author, "Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, and Extraordinary Power of Life's Fundamental Bond" Friendship is extremely important to both health and happiness, so if you want to live a long life, focus on friendships as well as diet, sleep, and exercise.