University of Nike

University of Nike

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1006 , Segment 6

Vacancies, Screen Time, Eugenics, Mongolian Music

Episode: Vacancies, Screen Time, Eugenics, Mongolian Music

  • Feb 13, 2019 11:00 pm
  • 23:32 mins

Guest: Joshua Hunt, Author of “University of Nike: How Corporate Cash Bought American Higher Education” It’s common for public universities across the country to have close relationships with big corporations and wealthy donors. These arrangements have grown substantially in recent decades, as states have cut funding for higher education. Journalist Joshua Hunt says one deal led the way: “A lot of them refer explicitly to the blue print that was laid out by Nike and Phil Knight and the University of Oregon back in the 1990s. It was a highly unusual situation. I mean, there really wasn’t a roadmap.”