Climate Change and Hunger, Kids' Self-Esteem, deFUNKit
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 194
- Dec 10, 2015 7:00 am
- 102:49
Climate Change and Hunger (1:03) Guest: John Antle, PhD, Agricultural Economist and Professor at Oregon State University The UN’s climate change conference wraps up in Paris tomorrow. Nearly 200 governments honing in on a deal to fight climate change have set lofty aspirations for protecting vulnerable countries from rising seas, but delegates said there were still gaps in the latest draft of an agreement. The world’s food supply is one of many things at stake. Children's Self-Esteem (19:46) Guest: Dario Cvencek, PhD, Research Scientist at the University of Washington's Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences Can we measure the confidence of a five-year old? If she says, “I did it!” or “I can’t do it!” what does that mean about her underlying self-confidence? Measuring self-esteem in a five-year old is tricky, but a new study presents findings that give insight into what’s going on in those little brains. deFUNKit (35:29) Guest: Richard Geiger, PhD, CEO of Dune Sciences, Inc. No matter how many times you wash a pair of gym socks, sometimes they just hang onto a certain stench. There’s a scientific explanation for that – and now, a scientific solution. Middle East Panel (51:35) Guests: Steven Lobell, PhD, Professor of Political Science at the University of Utah; John Macfarlane, Adjunct Professor of Political Science at Utah Valley University; Fred Axelgard, PhD, Wheatley Institution Senior Fellow at BYU Our monthly panel of Middle East experts is back as a majority of Americans have shifted opinion to be in favor of sending ground troops into the fight against ISIS. And that CNN poll was taken before the attack in San Bernardino and its link to ISIS were known. ?We'll begin with the fear of terrorism and its link to Islam in the United States. Sewage Sludge Treasure (1:27:05) Guest: Paul Westerhoff, PhD, Environmental Engineering Professor at Arizona State University We have treasure in a most unlikely place. Researchers have found significant amounts of precious metals in sewage sludge.