Women Writing Wild
Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 560
- Jul 13, 2020 6:00 am
- 52:48
Women Writing about the Wild World Guest: Kathryn Aalto, author, "Writing Wild: Women Poets, Ramblers, and Mavericks Who Shape How We See the Natural World" Have a favorite nature writer? Edward Abbey? John Muir? Ralph Waldo Emerson? Historically, nature writers have been men, but we rediscover historic and contemporary women writers exploring the natural world. Listen for an introduction to some authors you might want to check out! Literary Pilgrimage Guest: Paul Westover, Associate Professor, English, Brigham Young University Dorothy Wordsworth, the sister of famous poet William Wordsworth, wrote the first description of the views from England's highest peak. But her brother published it without giving her credit, so everyone thought it was his writing. The unique letter opened up a whole new world of hiking and mountaineering.