Spoons Across America

Spoons Across America

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1546 , Segment 3

Infrastructure Report Card, Cosmic Queries, Adoption in America

Episode: Infrastructure Report Card, Cosmic Queries, Adoption in America

  • Mar 3, 2021 9:00 pm
  • 12:07 mins

All kids seem to hit a stage where they’re just fascinated with cooking and wanting to be part of whatever action’s happening in the kitchen. With the right approach, parents can harness that fascination to help kids learn to make healthier food choices–and maybe even be less picky eaters. The nonprofit Spoons Across America, whose executive director is James Grosso, has adapted its elementary school cooking curriculum for home use during the pandemic in a program called The Food Exploration Project. (Segment produced by Aubrey Johnson)