Small Business Cybersecurity, Happiness, Cancer Prevention

Small Business Cybersecurity, Happiness, Cancer Prevention

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 145

  • Jun 20, 2017 6:00 am
  • 138:20
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Small Business Cybersecurity (15:59) Scott Shackelford, an associate professor of business law and ethics at Indiana University.  When we hear about a business having their computers hacked it is a big company like Target, Chick-Fil-A, or Sony. What you don't hear about are the small companies that suffer a data breach. The damage can be more devastating because the company may not be able to protect themselves from future attacks. Scott Shackelford talks about the three “Bs” of small business cyber security. Are We Evolved for Happiness? (59:27) Glenn Geher is Professor and Chair of Psychology as well as Founding Director of Evolutionary Studies at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Motivation is something that we all need but what exactly drives the motivation? Anxiety, for instance, is a common drive that we experience. It encourages us to get to work on time, go to school, or to meet deadlines. Now from an evolutionary standpoint this is why anxiety actually exists, to keep us safe from some things and motivates us to do others. Glenn Geher has taken this perspective of evolution and applied to happiness. Just as anxiety evolved to help motivate adaptive behaviors, happiness has also evolved to help motivate adaptive behaviors. Cancer Prevention (1:46:06) Dr. Erin Van Blarigan is currently an assistant professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Urology, at the University of California in San Francisco. Currently, treatments for cancer are expensive and difficult for the patient. They include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. But there may be a free and far less painful treatment you can do at home. Dr. Erin Van Blarigan led a study alongside Harvard academics to study what the effects of exercising 30 minutes a day has on cancer patients and shares the findings.