Is the 'Man Flu' Real?
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 719 , Segment
Puerto Rico & Recovery, Man Flu, #MeToo
Episode: Puerto Rico & Recovery, Man Flu, #MeToo
- Jan 5, 2018
- 15:51
Guest: Kyle Sue, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor in Family Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland When men get sick, women often give them a hard time for whining. When women get a cold, we still go to work, run errands, take care of the kids, whatever needs to get done that day. When a man gets sick, he’s knocked down hard and tends to stay in bed until it’s all over. “Man flu,” it’s called. But one doctor says, there’s at least some evidence to suggest the man flu is real – that men suffer more, or at least differently, when they get a cold or the flu.