Illustrator's Process, READ Dogs, Children's Theater

Illustrator's Process, READ Dogs, Children's Theater

Worlds Awaiting - Season 4, Episode 27

  • Jul 27, 2019 4:00 pm
  • 53:48 mins
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Illustrator's Process The journey from an idea in an author’s head to a published book can be a long one. There are a lot of steps required, from simply writing a first draft to multiple revisions. And when it’s a picture book, artwork and character design is added into the mix on every single page. Every illustrator has their own unique process to creating their part of a picture book. Today Rachel has in the studio Bethanne Anderson, an illustrator and professor at BYU. She's here to share her process.  Storytime Libraries are known for their storytimes and we are too. Each week at around 15 minutes past the hour, tune in to hear book reviews or live readings of picture books or poetry. Today we have a reading of Lewis Carroll's poem "The Jabberwocky".  READ Dogs Program Some people say that a dog is a man’s best friend. But for many children dogs have become so much more than that. In fact, dogs all over Utah are helping children develop critical literary skills. Today Rachel has in the studio Kathy Klotz, the executive director for the READ Dogs program.  Behind the Scenes of Children's Theater Attending a live theater performance can be a thrilling experience for adults and children. However there is a lot of preparation that occurs behind the scenes to make sure that magic happens. Today Rachel has in the studio Julia Ashworth, a professor of theater education who creates fantastic theater for children.  Librarians' Table Today we are around the librarians' table with Patrina Garza, and Phuong Vu, librarians from Salt Lake County. And we are also joined by Heather Novotny a school librarian from the McGillis School. They are here to chat about the importance of representing the "other" within children's literature.