The Last Blockbuster on Earth

The Last Blockbuster on Earth

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 623 , Segment 6

Raising Teenagers and the Last Blockbuster

Episode: Raising Teenagers and the Last Blockbuster

  • Dec 31, 2020 1:00 pm
  • 11:33 mins

There was something magical about taking a trip to a Blockbuster, checking out the new releases, re-watching classics, and grabbing snacks. Unfortunately, you can no longer find a Blockbuster on every corner, but there is one corner—the last corner in the world—where you can relive those golden days. The last Blockbuster on earth is still operating out of Bend, Oregon! Here to tell us how they’ve been able to stick it out for so long is store manager, Sandi Harding.