Anatomy Academy
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 560 , Segment 3
Trump Renegotiating NAFTA, Refugee Camp, Child Obesity
Episode: Trump Renegotiating NAFTA, Refugee Camp, Child Obesity
- May 24, 2017 11:00 pm
- 12:11 mins
Guest: Jonathan Wisco, PhD, Assistant Professor and Director of the Laboratory for Translational Anatomy of Degenerative Disease and Developmental Disorders, BYU When you tell a 10-year-old to pick a healthy snack or put down the tablet and go play outside, the inevitable response is “But why?” In response, you could launch into statistics about childhood obesity in America and the lifelong consequences of inactivity, but chances are it wouldn’t sink in. What kids need, according to BYU physiology professor Jonathan Wisco, is some hands-on laboratory experience. Several years ago, he created a program called Anatomy Academy that’s operating now in elementary schools around the country.