Net Neutrality Not Yet?
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 798 , Segment 1
Net Neutrality, Too Much Beef, Don't Swat that Fruit Fly. Say "Thanks"
Episode: Net Neutrality, Too Much Beef, Don't Swat that Fruit Fly. Say "Thanks"
- Apr 25, 2018 11:00 pm
- 20:43 mins
Guest: Clark Asay, JD, Associate Professor of Law, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University Net neutrality is on its last legs – set to be officially repealed by the FCC any day now, pending some final bureaucratic paper-pushing. But there are also a number of lawsuits in process to try and block the Trump administration from killing net neutrality. Congress could also get in on the action. What is it and why should you care?