Summer Reading
Worlds Awaiting - Season 1, Episode 21
- Jul 22, 2016 6:00 am
- 19:45 mins
Welcome to a Worlds Awaiting, WEB EXCLUSIVE. Rachel Wadham talks to educator and author, Mary Bigler, about how adults can keep their kids reading during the summer months to avoid losing ground (sometimes called - “the summer slide.”) Research says that when kids leave the classroom for several months in the summer, they can lose 1-3 months of learning. Mary suggests that when they read 6 books during the summer this will help them to retain what they have learned during the school year. Read 12 books, she says, and you not only maintain their learning, but gain ground. She also shares the “ABC’s of Summer Reading”: A. Access to Summer Reading, B. Books that Match Their Interests and Reading Level, C. Comprehension – Make sure children are comprehending what they are reading. A word from Rachel’s World: “Summer Reading” By Rachel Wadham, Host of Worlds Awaiting There are lots of things that go with summer -- beaches, ice cream, parades, and even fireworks. But one thing that always seems synonymous with summer in my mind is reading. With summer reading programs popping up in libraries and bookstores and summer reading lists still in many a child’s backpack it seems to me that summer and reading go hand in hand. This pairing it turns out is a really good thing because studies show that students lose ground over the summer if they don’t keep practicing their reading. The deficit that kids have to make up when they return to school is often most pronounced for kids who need it the most including reluctant readers and readers in low-income families. Research clearly shows that having kids read throughout the summer gives them the practice they need to keep their reading skills sharp, but the studies have also shown that summer reading also helps kids to be more motivated to read. So with the one-two punch of increased skills and increased enjoyment why not make summer reading an integral part of the summer time fun of your family. Local schools and libraries are likely to have great programs already in