Middle East Panel

Middle East Panel

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 250 , Segment 4

Health Care, Struggles of African-American Students, Passover

Episode: Health Care, Struggles of African-American Students, Passover

  • Mar 10, 2016 10:43 pm
  • 28:55 mins

Guests: Steven Lobell, PhD, Political Science Professor at the University of Utah; John Macfarlane, PhD, Political Science Adjunct Professor at Utah Valley University; Fred Axelgard, PhD, Senior Fellow at the Wheatley Institution at BYU  “Mixed messages” is one way to describe the latest news out of Iran. Recent parliamentary elections have prompted hope that pragmatic reformers are gaining power in Iran, promising economic reforms and cooperation with the West. At the same time, Iran is drawing strong criticism from the United States for a couple of test firings of ballistic missiles capable of reaching Israel.  Iran is where our monthly panel of Middle East experts starts their analysis today of events in the region.