Coral Reefs Bleaching

Coral Reefs Bleaching

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 528 , Segment 2

Trump on China, Bleaching Coral Reefs, New Arthritis Treatment

Episode: Trump on China, Bleaching Coral Reefs, New Arthritis Treatment

  • Apr 10, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 13:06 mins

Guest: Mark Eakin, PhD, Director of Coral Reef Watch, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is one of the world’s largest living structures. It’s a natural wonder and mecca for divers, home to a magnificent diversity of sea creatures, and it’s dying at an alarming rate. Huge sections of coral spanning hundreds of miles were killed off by high water temperatures in the last two years. And scientists say the problem is getting worse.