Suing to Diversify City Councils

Suing to Diversify City Councils

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 566 , Segment 2

Paris Climate Agreement, City Council Diversity, Turtle Nesting

Episode: Paris Climate Agreement, City Council Diversity, Turtle Nesting

  • Jun 5, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 19:19 mins

Guest: Kevin Shenkman, JD, Attorney in Malibu, CA Do the people on your city council look like you? Are they from your side of town? Your racial group? In a democracy it feels important to know there’s someone in elected office who understands your concerns. But, as America becomes more racially and economically diverse, our local governments are not keeping pace. Why is that? Is there something baked into the way cities and counties elect councilmembers that suppresses racial diversity? Research suggests the answer is yes.