Can Young Voters Overcome Their Cynicism?
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 925 , Segment 4
Rodeo Clown, Political Voice, Trust in Government
Episode: Rodeo Clown, Political Voice, Trust in Government
- Oct 19, 2018 11:00 pm
- 16:36 mins
Guest: Peter Stone, Author, The Perfect Candidate When Peter Stone was fresh out of high school in 1998, he was so full enthusiasm for the political process that he went to DC to intern for his California Congressman. But seeing how the sausage was made – so to speak – darkened his view. That Congressman he worked for was Democrat Gary Condit, who would soon be embroiled in political scandal involving infidelity and murder. Peter Stone has now written a political thriller inspired by his experience as a teenaged Congressional intern. It’s called “The Perfect Candidate” and it’s for young adults.