You're Office May Be Making You Sick

You're Office May Be Making You Sick

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 593 , Segment 2

North Korea's Weapons, Generational PTSD, Cure for Sepsis

Episode: North Korea's Weapons, Generational PTSD, Cure for Sepsis

  • Jul 12, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 19:55 mins

Guest: Joseph Allen, DSc, Associate Professor of Exposure Assessment Science, Harvard University Your boss might stress you out, your co-workers possibly annoy you, but here’s one more potential downside to your job: the building you work in could make you sick. Our next guest is a sort-of physician for the workspace—he diagnoses sick buildings. Minor investments to clean up unhealthy buildings can yield major returns in productivity, not to mention how much better employees feel when the building in which they work isn’t making them sick.