Ep. 200: Rev Dr. John J. Thatamanil. Can every religion be correct?

Ep. 200: Rev Dr. John J. Thatamanil. Can every religion be correct?

In Good Faith - Season 2024, Episode 24

  • May 5, 2024 6:00 am
  • 29:28 mins
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For our 200th episode, Steve sits down with Rev Dr John J. Thatanamil in a wide-ranging conversation of how we know what we know and why we should trust other believers to know what they know. There's holy hymning, childhood memories, and an evaluation of lint brushes... John Thatamanil is a professor at Union Theological Seminary, the author of The Immanent Divine,: God, Creation, and the Human Predicament, and also his recent (2020) book Circling the Elephant: A Comparative Theology of Religious Diversity. Professor Thatamanil is a past-president of the North American Paul Tillich Society (NAPTS) and the founding (and current) Chair of the American Academy of Religion’s Theological Education Committee. He is a frequent preacher and lecturer in churches, colleges and universities both nationally and internationally. He also co-edits (with Dr. Loye Ashton) the “Comparative Theology: Thinking Across Traditions” book series for Fordham University Press. He blogs regularly for a variety of online publications and has published editorials in The Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post.