Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 230 , Segment 2

Gastrophysics, Chronic Fatigue, Social Media Reflection

Episode: Gastrophysics, Chronic Fatigue, Social Media Reflection

  • Sep 27, 2017 4:00 pm
  • 28:00 mins

Julie Rehmeyer is an award-winning freelance math and science journalist and contributing editor at Discover magazine.  Imagine for a second that you had an illness that no one understood or even believed in. Think how people would treat you and how frustrating something like that could be. You could be called attention seeking or lazy while your self-esteem and personal morale take hit after hit. That kind of loneliness could be crippling to a person. So how could you survive something like that? In her new book Through the Shadow Lands, science journalist Julie Rehmeyer walks us through her similar experience and how she was able to still find purpose and joy while on the healing path.