Global Access to Surgery
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 282 , Segment 2
Brazilian Politics, Global Surgery, Paid Maternity Leave
Episode: Brazilian Politics, Global Surgery, Paid Maternity Leave
- Apr 26, 2016 9:00 pm
- 16:51 mins
Guest: Raymond Price, MD, Director of the University of Utah School of Medicine’s Center for Global Surgery and Member of the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery More than half of all the people on this planet cannot access the treatment they need if, for example, they were to hemorrhage after childbirth, suffer a burn or develop cancer. Safe, affordable surgery and anesthesia is simply out of reach for 5 billion people. Improving global access to surgery is one of the UN’s millennium development goals, because it will both improve health and economic productivity in low and middle-income countries.