Fifty Thousand Bees on my Head

Fifty Thousand Bees on my Head

The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 922

  • Apr 3, 2019 6:00 am
  • 56:45 mins
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We’re happy today to feature stories and conversation with Doug Elliott. He’s a storyteller, sure, but before he’s a storyteller, he’s a naturalist, and he incorporates his experiences and his knowledge of the natural world into his unique brand of earth-minded stories and music. Doug’s stories will make you want to take a closer look at the world around you to see what it can teach you about being a human being. And we hope that as you listen, you’ll think of some of the experiences you may have had with the world’s creatures, and that you’ll share those memories with the people you love – maybe even with the people with whom you’re listening to the show. First up, a recording made live at the Toronto Storytelling Festival. Doug is a regular up there, and this story about crows was worth capturing on tape. Then, you'll hear a rolicking tale called "Cajuns and the Crawdad Hole." We'll have a good sit-down with Doug, too, and we'll top it off with a story called "Fifty-Thousand Bee...