How a Man Named Nathan Built a Hot Dog Empire
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1372 , Segment 1
Hot Dog Empire, The Uncomfortable Truth
Episode: Hot Dog Empire, The Uncomfortable Truth
- Jul 3, 2020 8:00 pm
- 50:41 mins
Guest: Lloyd Handwerker, Author of “Famous Nathan: A Family Saga of Coney Island, the American Dream, and the Search for the Perfect Hot Dog,” Director of “Famous Nathan” At least one Fourth of July Tradition is happening undeterred by the pandemic this year: Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog-Eating Competition will happen this year in a private location without the massive crowd, but still broadcast live on ESPN. Nathan’s Famous has been synonymous with hot dogs for more than 100 years, and the annual July 4th contest is part of its fame. But more than anything Nathan’s is famous for the iconic yellow and green sign at the corner of Surf and Stillwell on Coney Island where Polish immigrant Nathan Handwerker opened a small counter and started selling hot dogs for a nickel in 1916. How that simple food stand became a multi-million-dollar business is a quintessential American story. (Originally aired: Sept. 23, 2016)