Fingers Crossed For Football
Cougar Tailgate - Season 2, Episode 11
- Sep 19, 2020 6:00 am
- 28:55 mins
The tailgate has returned for a new season. It seems like just yesterday, or possibly 20 years ago, that we were talking about shutting down March Madness and looking forward to the football light at the end of a quarantined tunnel. Lauren McClain and Jason Shepherd launch into a new sports year with their expectations for the season, and some of the places they'll look to highlight in the coming weeks on the show. Then we'll check in with the ROC for their thoughts on a unique season. And for a little clarity on what the athletes are going through with testing and training we'll talk to Carolyn Billings the busy Director of Sports Medicine at BYU. No matter what the season holds, we'll go through it together as fans. Go Cougs!