Unburdening Lightness of Forgiveness

Unburdening Lightness of Forgiveness

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 193 , Segment 3

Thailand, Forgiveness, Dickens and Christmas

Episode: Thailand, Forgiveness, Dickens and Christmas

  • Dec 9, 2015 10:00 pm
  • 14:05 mins

Guest: Ryan Fehr, PhD, Assistant Professor of Management at the University of Washington Foster School of Business  We often use physical metaphors when talking about state of mind or emotions. We say that our worries are a burden – even though we’re not literally carrying them around in a backpack. We think about a kind word as having the ability to “lighten our load.” Again, not our literal load.  And yet, some emotional or mental states actually can translate to our physical bodies in remarkable ways.