Cancelled Studies
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 2 , Segment 5
Global Events, Workplace Leadership, Blind Echolocation
Episode: Global Events, Workplace Leadership, Blind Echolocation
- Feb 10, 2015 10:00 pm
- 25:31 mins
Guest: Dr. Philip Pizzo, Pediatric Hematologist and Oncologist and former Dean of the Stanford University School of Medicine In late December, federal officials from the National Institute of Health announced they were “pulling the plug” on The National Children’s Study after $1.2 billion had already been used in funding. “It’s hard to call it wasted. We certainly learned what didn’t work. But we didn’t want to make the mistake of saying we have spent $1.3 billion, let’s keep spending more money. That is past history, let’s move forward and not use precious resources unless we know that we’ll get something definitive,” says Pizzo.