Celebrating the Eclipse
  • Aug 22, 2017 6:00 am
  • 57:02 mins
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In light of the 2017 Solar Eclipse that spanned much of North America, we gathered some stories together that link the infinite wonder of the celestial sphere to the lives of more earthly bound creatures. We have stories that explain the movement of the moon, highlight odd animal reactions to the sky, and cover the human fascination with touching the stars. Stories included in this episode: The Rabbit in the Moon by Antonio Sacre (2:00) A creation story about the sun and the moon and why they both move (or appear to move in the case of the sun). Learn more about Antonio Sacre by visiting: www.antoniosacre.com Dancing with the Stars by Lani Peterson (9:37) Lani frames a story about Coyote dancing with the stars with a story about a night that she and her family went to watch a meteor shower. Learn more about Lani Peterson by visiting: lanipeterson.com The Sky is Fallin'! by Lyn Ford (22:44) The classic tale of Chicken Little. Learn more about Lyn Ford by visiting: www.storytellerlynford.com Stars by Susan Reed (38:45) A young girl wishes on a star and tries to keep the realization of her wish all to herself but realizes that sharing her new treasure is the best thing to do in the end. Learn more about Susan Reed by visiting: www.susanreed.com