The Legacy of the Cassette Tape

The Legacy of the Cassette Tape

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 749 , Segment 4

Canada on NAFTA, Mission to Titan, Dropping Spanish Use

Episode: Canada on NAFTA, Mission to Titan, Dropping Spanish Use

  • Feb 16, 2018
  • 51:51 mins

Guests: Zack Taylor, Filmmaker, “Cassette: A Documentary Mixtape”; Jared Ball, PhD, Professor of Communications at Morgan State University, and Author of “I Mix What I Like: A Mixtape Manifesto,” Creator of If you’re of a certain generation, you probably remember hours spent in your bedroom with your dual-cassette recorder, making mixtapes for your crush or your friends. My how things have changed. You can loop your favorite song and artist on Spotify or YouTube all day long. Everything’s digital and on-demand and your entire music library can fit on thumb drive. So why are there musicians today putting out albums on cassette and music stores popping up that sell nothing but cassettes? Independent filmmaker Zack Taylor looks at this analog nostalgia in his new film, “Cassette: A Documentary Mixtape."