Days for Girls

Days for Girls

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 832 , Segment 5

Feel For Your Life and Why is My Child In Charge?

Episode: Feel For Your Life and Why is My Child In Charge?

  • Oct 19, 2021 12:00 pm
  • 17:26 mins

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to menstruation. Access to timely, accurate health information is critical to shattering the stigma around menstruation and building a more equitable world. Days for Girls is a non-profit organization that helps girls stay in school and retain dignity, giving back important days of their lives! For 15 years, local area women have been meeting to make a wide range of items for local and international charitable agencies. We rely on the work of women from the church and the community who desire to use their skills to help those in need.