Most Likely to Succeed
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 172 , Segment 4
Orson Scott Card, Life in Dead Forests, Likely to Succeed
Episode: Orson Scott Card, Life in Dead Forests, Likely to Succeed
- Nov 4, 2015 10:00 pm
- 24:22 mins
Guest: Greg Whiteley, Documentary Filmmaker Filmmaker Greg Whiteley brought an insider’s perspective to the family life of Mitt Romney in the documentary film Mitt. He created a similarly intimate portrait of former 70s glam rocker Arthur Killer Kane in the film New York Doll. This year, he’s premiering a new documentary in which he turns his lens to an issue that affects all of us, public education. The film is called Most Likely to Succeed and it may shake up anyone who’s feeling complacent about public education today.