Expandable Children's Clothes

Expandable Children's Clothes

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 704 , Segment 2

Turnover in Congress, Expandable Children's Clothes

Episode: Turnover in Congress, Expandable Children's Clothes

  • Dec 15, 2017
  • 9:25 mins

Guest: Ryan Yasin, Designer, Petit Pli Buying clothes for babies and kids is tricky. You see something adorable you'd like to buy, but kids grow so fast--you have to think ahead to what size they’ll be when the season for that cute sweater or summer dress arrives. Imagine if you could buy one jacket that would fit a 6-month old as well as a 3-year-old? The same jacket? Instead of having to buy a new one every six months? London-based designer Ryan Yasin uses origami as the inspiration for kids clothing that expands as a child grows.