![The Wonderling by Mira Bartók](https://assets.byub.org/images/becf8544-cd2c-41d7-bb1e-84e7d1e3ea11/720x405.jpg)
The Wonderling by Mira Bartók
Worlds Awaiting - Season 3, Episode 9
- Mar 3, 2018 7:00 am
- 29:00 mins
The Wonderling (3:59) We use the phrase “Achilles Heel” to describe a vulnerability. But what if that supposed weakness isn’t a weakness at all, but the key to a person’s success. For example, Richard Branson, self-made billionaire and founder of multiple companies, used his own weakness – dyslexia – to develop one of his greatest strengths – communication and delegation. Author and Illustrator Mira Bartók talks to Rachel today on Worlds Awaiting about The Wonderling, her first novel for young readers, that focuses on Arthur, a shy, fox-like foundling with only one ear who recognizes he has incredible hearing which leads to his having amazing music abilities. Mira Bartók is author of the award-winning The Memory Place: A Memoir, which won the 2011 National Book Critics Circle Award for Autobiography. She’s written and illustrated numerous non-fiction titles for children and has also edited and translated several picture books in Italian, Norwegian, and Sámi (Lapp). The Wonderling is her first novel for young readers, which will be turned into a film by 20th Century Fox. Growing Up Reading (21:33) Finally, Cole Wissinger of the Worlds Awaiting team, chats with BYU Radio Sound Engineer, Alex Heiden. He begins the interview by asking Alex about some of his earliest memories of reading.