Death and Taxes
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 1297
- Apr 15, 2020 6:00 am
- 57:48 mins
You've likely heard the old saying, "...In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." Benjamin Franklin said that. And those are two topics that are certain to be covered on today's episode of The Apple Seed. Certainly, an untimely demise is something to be avoided. And it seems most people dread an increase in their payments to Uncle Sam. But have you ever stopped to think about some of the wonderful, beautiful things our taxes go toward? Today you'll hear stories from Bil Lepp and Donald Davis that offer a different perspective on the hot-button topic that is "Taxes". You'll also hear a short radio drama from Jeff Simpson, as well as stories from Bruce Walker and Den Keding. On today's episode, enjoy the following: Story Kickoff: "The Black Cat" by Dan Keding (10:18) Story Spotlight: "There Stands a Bridge" by Bil Lepp (10:12) Daily Mix: Gene Nelson discusses "Bear Comes Along" Storytime: "Paying Taxes" and "Visiting 'Our Property'" by Donald Davis (5:51) "The Tax Man" by Jeff Simpson (5:17) "Uncle Remus and the Banker" by Bruce Walker (1:49) Radio Family Journal: In the Pool Storyteller Spotlight: Bil Lepp