When is War Justified?
  • Oct 24, 2022 6:00 am
  • 53:02
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Most Americans have never fought in a war, or even had our lives disrupted by one. Does being so far removed from the loss and trauma make us more willing to send our military into battle? This is the first of two episodes we’re dedicating to thinking more deeply about the consequences of war. Rarely is going to war clearly the right or wrong choice. When is war justified? We're hoping that, by really embracing the nuance here, we'll be more clear-eyed as citizens and voters the next time America has the choice to fight. (AP Photo/Balint Szlanko, File) Guests: Sonny Le, former refugee from Vietnam, Bay Area Regional Program Manager of Vaccinate ALL 58 Yalda Royan, refugee from Afghanistan, founding member of the Afghan Women’s Advocacy Group Frank “Gus” Biggio, US Marine Corps (retired), author of “The Wolves of Helmand: A View from Inside the Den of Modern War” Eric Jensen, US Army (retired), former special counsel to the US Department of Defense General Counsel, professor at Brigham Young University law school Chris Blattman, professor of global conflict studies, University of Chicago, author of "Why We Fight: The Roots of War and the Paths to Peace"