Securing the Internet of Things

Securing the Internet of Things

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 464 , Segment 4

Online Harassment, Cyronics, Heroin Babies, Calvin

Episode: Online Harassment, Cyronics, Heroin Babies, Calvin

  • Jan 11, 2017 1:09 am
  • 16:49

Guest: Phil Windley, PhD, Enterprise Architect in the CIO’s office, Brigham Young University, Chairman of the Sovrin Foundation These days it’s tough to buy a new electronic device that’s not WiFi enabled with the promise of cool features if you hook it up to the internet. We’ve talked on this show about the security risks tied to the Internet of Things – what trouble might hackers cause if literally everything from our cars to our crockpots are connected online? But BYU IT expert Phil Windley is concerned about something even more fundamental: a looming threat to our digital freedom and independence.