Test-Blind College

Test-Blind College

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 242 , Segment 4

Stars in Politics, Googling Cancer, Leap Day, Test-Blind College

Episode: Stars in Politics, Googling Cancer, Leap Day, Test-Blind College

  • Mar 1, 2016
  • 19:40 mins

Guest: Meredith Twombly, Dean of Enrollment and Retention at Hampshire College  SAT and ACT scores are traditionally important aspects of a college application, but a number of universities in recent years have made those tests optional for aspiring students. One well-respected liberal arts school - Hampshire College in Massachusetts – went a step further. In 2014, Hampshire became “test-blind” meaning the college won’t even look at your ACT or SAT score if you send one.  The switch had one big consequence – Hampshire College got dropped from the prestigious rankings of US News & World Report. But school officials say it was worth it.