Flu Drug
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 175 , Segment 6
Interfaith Cooperation, Finances of College Athletics, Elephants
Episode: Interfaith Cooperation, Finances of College Athletics, Elephants
- Nov 9, 2015 10:00 pm
- 19:40 mins
Guests: Dave Busath, Biology Professor at BYU; Mike Alder, Technology Transfer It’s flu season. And the good news is this year’s flu vaccines are expected to work better than last year. There’s an element of guessing when scientists cook up the vaccine each year. . . they’re never entirely which flu strains will be most bothersome until the season arrives. Influenza is a virus, as you may know. Especially if you visited the doctor with it recently and were told, no an antibiotic will not help, because what you have is not a bacterial infection. Rather, influenza has to be treated with antiviral medications. But, just like bacteria, viruses are capable of mutating to become resistant to those drugs.