German Art of Raising Self-Reliant Children
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 7, Episode 28 , Segment
Manufacturing Matters, Self-Reliant Children, Willpower in Abundance
Episode: Manufacturing Matters, Self-Reliant Children, Willpower in Abundance
- Feb 1, 2018 5:00 pm
- 44:10
Sara Zaske is an American writer who lived in Berlin for six and a half years. She is the author of the newly released book ACHTUNG BABY: AN AMERICAN MOM ON THE GERMAN ART OF RAISING SELF-RELIANT CHILDREN. How and when should a parent step in to resolve problems that children face? If there is a fight should a parent step in or should the parent let the kids work it out? Sarah Zaske lived in Germany and witnesses a different style of parenting. She preceives that Germans know something that American parents don’t (or have perhaps forgotten) about raising kids with self-reliance and provides practical examples American parents can use to give their own children the freedom they need to grow into responsible, independent adults.