College Waitlists
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 695 , Segment
Fighting Anti-Asian Hate and College Waitlists
Episode: Fighting Anti-Asian Hate and College Waitlists
- Apr 7, 2021 12:00 pm
- 14:47
It’s that time of year again. As the days get warmer and school starts winding down, high school seniors are looking forward to graduation and anticipating those college acceptance letters. The college application process can be super stressful. After four years of hard work, all we want to see is someone recognize how great our kids are! But of course, this year, as with everything else, things are a little bit different and getting into college might be trickier (or at least weirder) than ever before. Here to share his wisdom with us is the editor-in-chief of the Princeton Review, Rob Franek!