Lost In Translation
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 759
- Jun 19, 2018 6:00 am
- 58:29
The stories we’re sharing in this episode showcase the humorous, embarrassing, and sometimes dangerous consequences of words getting lost in translation. America, Land of Miracles by Noa Baum (2:18) Noa moves to the US from Jerusalem in the 5th grade. She knows how to say her name in English but not much else so when her class runs out of the room after some verbal instruction and Noa is left behind and literally gets lost. Learn more about Noa Baum by visiting: noabaum.com Soap Soap by Bill Harley (11:59) A boy goes to buy soap for his mom and sings a song to help him remember. Along the way he runs into a lot of people who tell him to say something different so he forgets what he supposed to buy. Learn more about Bill Harley by visiting: www.billharley.com The Name of the Tree by Odds Bodkin (23:31) There is a drought in the Savanna and all of the animals are hungry and thirsty. A magical tree in the forest bears fresh fruit, but the only way they can get the fruit from it is if they say its name. Several animals learn the tree’s name, but by the time they get to it, they have forgotten it. Only the tortoise, who repeats the tree’s name over and over, remembers it and is able to harvest the fruit. Learn more about Odds Bodkin by visiting: www.oddsbodkin.net Fortune Cookies by Bil Lepp (37:16) A Chinese man from Boston moves to Bil’s town and opens up a Chinese restaurant. People mistake his Boston accent for Chinese and assume he doesn’t speak English. He uses this to his advantage, by listening to the town gossip and creating personalized fortunes that he slips in people’s fortune cookies. Learn more about Bil Lepp by visiting: www.leppstorytelling.com