Homeless Youth Are Especially Vulnerable to Human Trafficking

Homeless Youth Are Especially Vulnerable to Human Trafficking

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 818 , Segment 2

Hawaii's Erupting Volcano, Motherhood and Politics, Carbon Neutrality

Episode: Hawaii's Erupting Volcano, Motherhood and Politics, Carbon Neutrality

  • May 23, 2018 11:00 pm
  • 10:19

Guest: Debra Schilling Wolfe, MEd, Founding Executive Director of the Field Center for Children's Policy, Practice and Research, University of Pennsylvania More than a million teenagers under the age of 18 are homeless in the United States and “unaccompanied”– meaning they’ve got no parent or caregiver. They’re fending for themselves in homeless shelters and on the streets – and worrisome new research shows they’re extremely susceptible to human trafficking.

Are Forests a Renewable Source of Energy?

May 23, 2018
18 m

Guest: William Moomaw, PhD, Professor Emeritus of International Environmental Policy and Founding Director of the Center for International Environment and Resource Policy at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University and Member of Nobel Peace Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 Trees absorb carbon dioxide and make oxygen for us to breathe. Burning wood releases the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. So if we cut down trees to burn for electricity and plant new ones in their place, is the process carbon neutral – basically cancelling out the CO2 effect on the atmosphere? The EPA recently announced a plan to treat the burning of wood harvested from managed forests as renewable energy – similar to solar and wind power. That decision hinges on this question of carbon neutrality.

Guest: William Moomaw, PhD, Professor Emeritus of International Environmental Policy and Founding Director of the Center for International Environment and Resource Policy at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University and Member of Nobel Peace Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 Trees absorb carbon dioxide and make oxygen for us to breathe. Burning wood releases the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. So if we cut down trees to burn for electricity and plant new ones in their place, is the process carbon neutral – basically cancelling out the CO2 effect on the atmosphere? The EPA recently announced a plan to treat the burning of wood harvested from managed forests as renewable energy – similar to solar and wind power. That decision hinges on this question of carbon neutrality.