When Students Opt-Out of Tests, Schools May Suffer
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 859 , Segment 1
Students Skipping Tests, What Makes A Good Science Teacher, With Grace B. Bold
Episode: Students Skipping Tests, What Makes A Good Science Teacher, With Grace B. Bold
- Jul 19, 2018 11:00 pm
- 20:45 mins
Guest: Alisa Ellis, Vice-Chairperson, Utah Board of Education During the decade-plus that No Child Left Behind was in effect, there was growing outrage over the amount of time students were spending every year taking standardized tests to assess their progress. A number of states had very large opt-out movements where parents kept their kids home on year-end test days. The movement is causing a headache for Utah schools, who will have to count the missed tests as failed grades that will affect their standing.