Trump at the UN and Other Hot-Button World Issues
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 642 , Segment 1
Trump at the UN, US Citizenship Test, Become an Opera Fan
Episode: Trump at the UN, US Citizenship Test, Become an Opera Fan
- Sep 19, 2017 11:00 pm
- 31:16 mins
Guest: Eric Jensen, JD, Professor of International Law, Brigham Young University President Trump's first address to the UN General Assembly was unusual in many regards: he called out North Korea by name, he disparaged existing the US' arms deal with Iran, he took jabs and China and Russia. But maybe he was just saying what many people in the room were thinking but would never say out loud? We dissect the President's address and also talk about his explanation of the US attitude toward refugees. And we explore how the Pentagon will likely move forward on the American ISIS prisoner in custody.